TESL 0100 - Unit 7 Review

Unit 7 - How do I manage my class?

This unit looked at classroom management which, when read it seems a little frightening. I have to 'manage' an entire classroom 😰. The textbook Teaching by Principles by Brown and Lee. State that we will be called on daily to deal with the unexpected and that we will engage in unplanned teaching, which might deviate us from our lesson plan. That we need to deal with it gracefully and the key is 'POISE'. That we more than anything is to stay calm and assess the change and allow the lesson to continue (Brwon/Lee, p.295). 

Even as I go to work every day, I always prepare for the unexpected, so to me, this is a bit of a heads up, but regardless if the students are learning something out of the information when we were lead astray it has some value (even though it's not what you had planned).

I think in order to have good or great class management skills, is the overall respect that you have for yourself and your students (which they would/should reciprocate). 

In our discussion forum, we also touched on a discussion on 'celebrating diversity and fostering Inclusion' - so, how could we be inclusive in a language classroom and support our learners? On my discussion, I talked about LGBTQ and how we could include the topic or a topic on LGBTQ issues. And it really just goes down to class management, if your class is a safe place where individuals CAN express their opinions and have no judgment upon them is ideal and that there be no disrespect amongst them either. Many of our Ss will be from places where being Gay or Lesbian is a taboo subject overall. I did a bit of research on how I could go about introducing topics or issues on LGBTQ, BBC has an article on LGBT issues in English language teaching, they state that Ss ought to learn the difference between an opinion and an insult (per-say). And as language teachers, we ought to teach critical-thinking skills so that the learner knows how to fully express themselves without disrespecting others. There were other websites I looked into, such as GLSEN.org, which among its page, under 'educator resources - inclusive curriculum', there is a lesson on LGBTQ history month, which falls in October (who knew!?) - I thought that this last one could be looked into, if you decided to do something different in October month (other than a Halloween theme).

Overall the above reminded me a bit of the Universal Design approach to learning. What about you?


Brown, D. & Lee, H. (2015). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy (4th ed. revised). Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education.

El-Metoui, L. (2014, Feb 18). LGBT issues in English language teaching. British Council. retrieved from https://www.britishcouncil.org/voices-magazine/english-language-teachers-address-lgbt-issues-class


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