TESL 0100 - Unit 6 Review

Unit 6 - How do I plan for language instruction?

🤔 hmmm.....  great question!

Hahahaha. So in this unit, we looked at how to make a lesson plan, and although I have only done so many thus far, I find them super time-consuming! In the course, it suggests approximate times to get certain activities done. Sadly I am apparently one of these people that needs the whole day just to do a lesson plan! 😭   I somewhat exaggerate... a bit. It does take me longer than the suggested time, but I guess I just need more practice to do so. Anywho, making the lesson plan in itself is quite fun, I learn soo much as I do them. This unit provided some great samples of doing lesson plans, and they are very helpful! I love the layout and the amount of detail it shows me (I am a big fan of details and explanations why). I learned much more than the simple, "Introduction, middle (lesson), and conclusion/end." Also, I never had to plan for a 2hr class before but the setup examples really help view how one should spread out activities and/or add more activities. However, when doing the lesson, as the Educator, we need to make sure that we are aiming to reach our lesson goal. - which is, What will the Ss know by the end of the lesson? - I need to make sure that I do my lesson planning always thinking about the end goal in mind. I have done some lesson plans where even I get lost in what I'm doing because I didn't really know what my goal was or even how to get there. 
This unit was extremely helpful and I have some tabs in the textbook that point to the chapters about lesson planning for future reference. 😁



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