TESL 0100- Unit 9 Review

Unit 9 - How do I make learning Fun?

One of the major questions, is it not? How can you convey that learning is fun to your students? 😰

In this unit, it was proposed to use technology as an incentive of fun in the classroom. I completely agree! I don't think there are many people nowadays that don't have a smartphone on them at all times, that includes students of all ages. Now that we are living in the 21st Century, why not teach like we are in it? - I know and understand that change can be tough, but a teacher needs to adapt to the times as well, no? At least I need to work on it a little more. 😅  Below is my Infographic on "Teaching and learning in the 21st Century,' In the infographic I mention Engaging, The learner, Patience & Focus, Tech and Network Savvy, and finally Inclusive and safe environments. Take a look below, or click "here" to direct you to another page to get a better view.

We touched on what interactive apps or websites have we encountered, that could be used in our classrooms, and there were quite a few options to choose from that I had No Clue about. We had tried out Screencastify as an audio/video app for doing a review or teaching something that could be on your computer. I really like this app, it's super convenient that it gives you the option video recording and audio presentations. And although I used it for this course, I would be more than happy and willing to have my future students try out this app as well, be it for a project or an assignment. 

Throughout my other courses in the TESL course, I also looked into FlipGrid which is also an interactive audio/video platform that is easy to use (which would benefit ESL learners). This platform would be great to use in a language class (or any other) and have students do e-journals, could be used for speaking assignments and or when reviewing a book. There are endless possibilities. 

I also had used Padlet, which as virtual bulletin board. It's also super easy to use, and a great way to keep track of an e-portfolio of students' works and reflections (perhaps). I really loved how simple this app was. I will be using this in the future.

I haven't seen many other yet, but I look forward to finding some new Interactive games and apps to use in class and in everyday life. I have researched around on the web and found some others: Educreations uses video to use as a tool for engagement with students, something I will look into in the near future. Another app I saw was Explain everything, which is an interactive whiteboard and MindMeister a collaborative mind mapping app. Both look just as promising; However, let me know if you know any others.

Laters! 😁


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