TESL 0100- Unit 9 Review

Unit 9 - How do I make learning Fun? One of the major questions, is it not? How can you convey that learning is fun to your students? 😰 In this unit, it was proposed to use technology as an incentive of fun in the classroom. I completely agree! I don't think there are many people nowadays that don't have a smartphone on them at all times, that includes students of all ages. Now that we are living in the 21st Century, why not teach like we are in it? - I know and understand that change can be tough, but a teacher needs to adapt to the times as well, no? At least I need to work on it a little more. 😅 Below is my Infographic on "Teaching and learning in the 21st Century,' In the infographic I mention Engaging, The learner, Patience & Focus, Tech and Network Savvy, and finally Inclusive and safe environments. Take a look below, or click " here " to direct you to another page to get a better view. We touched on what interactive apps or websites h...