Speaking & Listening - Unit 4 - Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan – Speaking Activity

Theme: Jobs
Topic: Job Interviews
Objective: Learning how to prepare for a Job Interview

Group: Young Adults in University/Collage
Level: Intermediate

Estimated time: 1.5 hrs. - 2hrs.

Suggested resources: Pen and paper. Videos on, how to give good interviews and how to dress. Hand-out of Do’s and Don’ts of an interview.

(aprox. 4 min)Guess my job - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OP7NH4XUlko
(aprox. 2 min)What to wear- women https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7POo55A8bCQ
(aprox. 2 min)What to wear – men - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEuAS2r5Vpc
(aprox. 5 min) Mock Interview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkL98JHAO_w

1.     Warm Up (est. 30 min)
-Write a short riddle on board about an occupation (~5min)
-Show a Video “guess my job”. ( ~5min). Students will get to guess the occupation.
          -Small Activity: Have students work in small groups or in pairs, and have them make a riddle in             which the class will guess the occupation by its description. – Follow the example of the video             shown and your riddle. (10 min)
-Clarify any new vocabulary, and questions during the activity.

2.     Activating (est. 30+ min)
-Ask learners if they are currently working? Are they looking? Their ‘dream’ job?
-Talk about 1st impressions, what they understand about it, why it is necessary when getting a job. Give definition if needed. Discuss.
-How to Dress for an Interview. Show video. What to wear- women; What to wear – men . Disscuss.
-Q&A – what types of questions to expect in an Interview. Give Top 6 questions, write on the board and explain the reasons behind each question. Discuss.
(Video- to be shown time permitting-).
-Give the students a Handout with do’s and don’ts of an interview. Discuss together.

3.     Acquiring (est. 30min +)
-Return to the top 6 questions interviewers ask, and have students think of the answers they would give to the questions. (~10 -15min).
-Have the students do a ‘Speed Dating’ – mock interview, in which they have to answer one of the questions asked (could be any of the 6). The student only has a minute to answer the question(s) asked.
-Observe and give corrective feedback during activity if needed.

4.     Applying (est. 30 min +)
-Have students prepare a short 5 min Interview in their groups. They need to ask at least 3 questions from the above Q&A and one other of their choice.
-Peer-Review after presentations and give general corrective feedback.


Speed Dating Activity – Mock Interview – (est. 10 min)

-Have students line up some desk in a row to one side of the room.
-Have the Top 6 question written on the board for students, with short explanations as aid.
-Half of the students in the class will be sitting in desks (Students A), while the other half will be moving from one seat to the other (Students B).
-Students A will pick 1 or 2 questions to ask Students B ( at random) –Student B will answer the question or questions within one minute (as to get accustomed to different people asking the same questions). For a total of 3 turns each.
-Students A and B will swap jobs. And repeat activity for another 3 turns.

-Discuss at the end of the activity. Their thoughts on the questions asked, the responses they gave. Did they feel they got better as they went on or worse? Would they hire some of these people based on their answers?

 Role-Play –Job Interview  (est. 20-30 min)

In groups of 3-4
-Develop a short mock Interview. Details include: The Job being applied for, One question they deem the most important to answer. Imagine your characters and company, at end of said interview state whether they would hire that person or not.
-Discuss as a class. Provide feedback when necessary.


 Do’s and Don’ts of an Interview 
(This is in no specific order)

-Get a good night’s sleep
-Eat breakfast
-Find out the directions/address. This will help you determine how to get there, and how long it will take. 
-Be 10-15 min early to your interview.
-Shower and groom yourself! – People want to work with people who are clean and are well kept.
-Dress to impress. It is very important for you to show your potential employer that you are professional and wear appropriate clothing to work (not sweats, or ripped tee-shirt). People judge you in the first 30 seconds.
-Give a firm, but NOT bone crushing, handshake. Show’s your confidence.
-Be honest in your answers.
-Speak clearly
-Bring a copy of your cover letter and/or resume just in case.
-Be polite and smile.
-Research on the company you applied for. The more you know the better. Ask questions.
-Make regular eye contact to show the employer that you are in the present and paying attention.
-Turn off your cell phone.
-Prepare yourself for the interview questions. Think of stories and examples that you could use, such as internships, past experiences, activities, situations, etc., that you have done/gone through that will help you answer their questions.
-Listen carefully to the questions.

-Don’t be Late. If your late (5 min or more), you just wasted their time, and you are already undependable as an employee. If you are ON time, employer will wonder how punctual you are.
-Don’t dress sloppy or unkempt or in revealing clothing. Look clean and presentable! – Remember 1st impressions count. 
-Don’t wear perfume or cologne. It’s prohibited, in many work places (people have allergies).
-Don’t chew gum
-Don’t mumble
-Don’t slouch. Sit up straight.
-Don’t swear
-Don’t complain about past employers, co-workers or supervisors.
-Don’t make any lie in your answers, that might come back to haunt you in the future.
-Don’t act like you know everything (because no one does, and no one likes a know it all)
-Don’t check your cell phone during an interview, text, or answer. It’s rude! Turn it off without looking who messaged you.
-Don’t bring up personal or family problems. This interview is all about work and/or academics.
-Don’t ask about salary until later in the hiring process or until it is brought up in the conversation

For more examples for Do's and Don'ts see below.

100 job interview dos and don’ts. Written by Workopolis

Job Interview: The All Time Classic Do's And Don'ts. By Bernard Marr. Published on, January 25, 2015. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/job-interview-all-time-classic-dos-donts-bernard-marr/


Laters! 😄




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