My PLN (Personal Learning Network)


So last week, as I was reading my TESL course, we were to talk about our PLN (Personal/Professional Learning Network). In which we were to state our connections, with people and the media, as in, where do we find and look for ideas? Where do we get information and such. 
So we were to do a collage or a drawing of our 'networking'. As I did this, I was already thinking that my networking was going to be pretty sad, since I don't really delve into social media that much, but when I was done with my schema it didn't seem so bad. I know for sure that I'll need to do more 'networking', it's not really my forte. But I do keep in touch with some of my old classmates from Memorial University Of Newfoundland and Labrador, Faculty of Education of 2016 (shout out!😁), we use Facebook to keep in touch and pass ideas or ask for help, and my co-op teacher from practicum, among others.

This is all I have on this topic of now.

Laters! 😉


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