TESL 0100 - Unit 3 Review

Unit 3 - What do I know about the English Language?

When I read this question, I off the bat stated to myself, 'not much'. I always wanted to delve into how to teach Grammar properly and such. Even though we didn't do that here, I still got a lot out of how to do so when lesson planning. 

We touched on the Communicative Language Ability models, super helpful when looking at the different kinds of knowledge the Ss are going to need as L2 learners. One of the models is from CLB, and it gives you 5 competencies that students need to go through: 
1.Grammatical knowledge, 2.Textual knowledge, 3.Functional knowledge, 4.Sociolinguistic knowledge, and 5.Strategic competence. 
And all five of these competencies ought to be taught together in context rather than individually.

Overall, this unit was eye-opening in the sense that I still have much to learn. 👍



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