TESL 1030 - Reflection Unit 2

TESL - 0130 - Reflection on Unit 2

This unit was pretty interesting, having to use the Readability app was lots of fun, I had a go at it with many different texts to get a good understanding of how its rating system worked. I had no clue that texts could be measured into how easy and understandable it is for the general public. Its letter system provides us with what would be considered an easy text versus what could be used in University seminar or lecture reading course.

An activity that I enjoyed was 'adapting a text' for my ESL class (directed for high school students), and at the time we were nearing Halloween, so I found a text on the subject and adapted it accordingly. As I did this I had so many ideas for a possible lesson plan that I jotted them down and decided to use it next time. But it was interesting to see that I couldn't just choose any random text, it needed to have certain qualifiers. It needed to be suitable for the class - was it interesting? is it appropriate?; Needed to exploit the text - new vocabulary? sentence structures? grammar?; was it readable? if not as the instructor you might need to alter some of it accordingly.

The last activity we did in the unit was a THINK ALOUD. I was pretty hesitant at first to do this, mostly because I don't really like speaking to nothing, it seems strange, and my family passes my room and sometimes wonder who am I talking to? 😂  But, using screencastify by Google applications was pretty nifty, it took me a little while to figure out how to use it, and took me a few tries to shorten what I needed to say, since it only gives you about 10 minutes (I think) to complete your thoughts. Which on the exercise i just needed a tad more.

But overall I learned about new techniques and technological tools for the trade. I will surely pass it on to my PLN.



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