TESL 0100- Unit 10 Review

Unit 10 - A look into the Future-

This unit looked into the wellbeing of the teacher, I remember when I did my first education practicum and how worried and stressed out I was with only a few weeks of training and trying to get things done on time and 'perfect'. I practically shut myself away from the world trying to figure out how to teach+making lesson plans that made sense + try to stay ahead of the game by making quizzes and some tests (exhausting 😫 !). I always thought that my peers were doing way better than I was (--as time went on everyone confessed to feeling the same way I had). That's when I kind of noticed that, that must mean I like what I'm doing!  If I'm focusing so much energy on planning and making lessons that are nearly perfect in my eyes (lol), I should continue on. However, my peers and I all handled our stress and worries in different ways but we all needed to re-balance ourselves emotionally, spiritually, physically and mentally. 

It was tough to do, honestly. It's hard to change some of the daily routines you go through in a day. Especially when you NEED to get work done by a certain time, and you can't 'waste' time by doing things you like or should do, ex. going to the gym for an hour or so, or just even taking a walk around the block with the dog 🐢. Even now I do this, and I know it's not ideal or even a good idea. As a person, there are times when you need to step away from certain things, to later come back and be completely replenished, and does way better than before. 

As was stated in this unit that little changes are key, and to make it a routine in your life. Put that alarm on to go to the gym!!! 


In any case, I really learned a lot in this course and I just wished that I, personally, had more time to dedicate myself fully to the lessons without the interruption of a part-time job. 

Thank you for everything!



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